“UnlimitedHand” was featured in NHK’s “Science ZERO” program The Latest Game Technology.

In Science ZERO’s special feature “The Latest VR Technology,” UnlimitedHand was introduced as “a technology that augments reality from inside the body,” offering an immersive experience. In the studio, cast member Nao Minamisawa actually wore “UnlimitedHand” on her arm for the experience.
NHK E-televisionprogram Science Zero
[Broadcast Date] Sunday, April 9, 2017, 11:30 p.m. (30 minutes)
[Subtitle]The latest technology in video games.
[Cast]Nao Minamisawa (Game enthusiast) Kaoru Takeuchi (Science writer)
[Studio Guest] Nei Ikei (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of System Design)
Science ZERO’s WebSite:https://www.nhk.jp/p/zero/ts/XK5VKV7V98/
Related to this post:https://yonta64.hatenablog.com/entry/zero/2017-0409-最新ゲーム
H2L’s NEWS:http://h2l.jp/2017/04/10/nhk番組「サイエンスzero」放送内でunlimitedhand紹介/